The calendar dates are passing and I begin to receive finished materials. The first to arrive are the boxes, black, or, was it Kraft? This is what happens when you invite a friend over and decide that your clients (future clients at that moment) always deserve more. One option is not enough so, together with my colleague Cova, we decided to produce both colors and combine them in different orders.
Next are the Fooga, like everything that is worthwhile, they were made to wait a little longer than desired. But, they were already here! All the prototypes, the samples and all the fuss and bother had paid off.
There was no time to lose, if at 9.00h the messenger rang the doorbell, at 11.30h Jorge, Fooga's community and apprentice photographer, and I were already there with our boxes under our arms and a smile from ear to ear in Rana's studio, with Cristina and Marcos, taking the product photos to upload to the web.
November 10, we started with the photo shoot with the models, Andén 47 as the first stage and meeting point, this time we were accompanied by Victor Alonso from Miltrescientosgramos. But not before going shopping in the purest Pretty Woman style, with Yaiza, now in charge of communication. A special mention to Laura, Cecilia, Elena, Iván, Juan and Fleky. You were true professionals, neither the cold, nor the heights, nor the police could stop us and the memories of those two days are already part of Fooga's memory.
[20% discount code: GRACIASAMIGOS].
In addition, there were many friends, or should I say family, who came to help and give their support. Patri, with her sandwich and palmeritas. Chisco, who did not miss the opportunity to introduce himself and give his opinion and more, knowing that there was a snack. Alber and Iván who lent us their van and could not resist to pay us a visit, thanks guys, #labarbamandaba.
The result is already well known.