You know that with our blog we like to tell you things about Fooga, how it was born, how it is growing and bring you a little closer to each step we are taking.
Like many of you who read us, we are entrepreneurs and, before starting this adventure, we would have liked to know a little more about other brands to know what we were facing.
Even so, we decided to jump into the pool, with our eyes closed and with a great motivation, our illusion. We are learning every day from our mistakes and we celebrate every little success, because we are aware that the road is to walk it and if it is wearing Fooga shoes, so much the better!
[15% discount code: "FOOGALOVEKIND"].
Despite the small changes that we have been incorporating throughout these months, there is one thing that was part of our DNA from the beginning and that we have mentioned above in some of our posts. Today's post is 100% dedicated to it, or rather to them, to Kind Surf.
It is an NGO that works on the integration of young people with different realities through surfing to achieve happiness. Their motto "Bring Happiness" won us over from the beginning and their association with the environment convinced us that they should be our bet. This is the first step we are taking, but our short-term goal is to spend a day with them and learn more about their work. We hope to be able to tell you about it soon!
Ah, one more thing, in the end, you are the ones who make all this possible!
Like many of you who read us, we are entrepreneurs and, before starting this adventure, we would have liked to know a little more about other brands to know what we were facing.
Even so, we decided to jump into the pool, with our eyes closed and with a great motivation, our illusion. We are learning every day from our mistakes and we celebrate every little success, because we are aware that the road is to walk it and if it is wearing Fooga shoes, so much the better!
[15% discount code: "FOOGALOVEKIND"].
Despite the small changes that we have been incorporating throughout these months, there is one thing that was part of our DNA from the beginning and that we have mentioned above in some of our posts. Today's post is 100% dedicated to it, or rather to them, to Kind Surf.
It is an NGO that works on the integration of young people with different realities through surfing to achieve happiness. Their motto "Bring Happiness" won us over from the beginning and their association with the environment convinced us that they should be our bet. This is the first step we are taking, but our short-term goal is to spend a day with them and learn more about their work. We hope to be able to tell you about it soon!
Ah, one more thing, in the end, you are the ones who make all this possible!